It was 6h06 and off we went. Gwyn must have missed the race briefing because he was off the front of the bunch even before we turned right into Battery Beach Road, which is only like 100 metres or so from the start line. Werner, Iven and Mark were at the front of the bunch and I rolled to the front to join them. As we turned left into Snell Parade Martin Atterbury (Bring it On) went off the front of the bunch to cross over to Gwyn. I asked Werner if I should follow and he told me I should, so I got on Martin’s wheel and he pulled me to Gwyn.
Now usually in my reports I can write what was happening in the bunch, in this case I can’t.
As we reached Gwyn I rolled to the front and Gwyn and I started rotating with Martin sitting our wheel. We turned left into Athlone drive, right onto the M4 north and left into Riverside Road. Martin was at a disadvantage because it was him against two Mr Price riders, but he was not getting a free ride and he started working with us after Gwyn had a chat to him. Looking behind us there was no sight of the bunch, they weren’t chasing. We worked together to the bottom of the M19 where I went to the front and led the three of us up the climb. Martin could not maintain our pace and dropped off at about half way up, I kept going making sure Gwyn was in contact. Leon Grobler managed us better than Johan Bruyneel would have and he gave us time gaps, asking us if we were alright and telling us what was happening behind us.
At the top of M19 we had about a 2min30 sec gap on the bunch. Gwyn is a specialist when it comes to time trialling and the next part of the route was his kind of riding. We kept on rotating taking turns on the front. We went through Pinetown, down the M7 heading to the Bluff. It was nice seeing familiar faces, next to the road and riding, cheering us on. We turned left into Bluff Road, where the next session of climbing started, then right into Lighthouse Road which becomes Marine Drive and then right into Badulla Drive. I was still feeling strong and Gwyn was looking on form, although he said he was digging on the hills a bit. Gwyn asked me here how many races I have won this year. My answer was that I have not won a race ever. Then Gwyn said that I am going to today. I was in doubt if we were going to stay away but it motivated me to keep going and so we did.
We caught up with the leading tandems on Himalayas Road, apparently the driver of the winning tandem took them on a bit of a scenic route. The stoker on that specific tandem looked like he was scared to death!
From there we went on to the R102 South Coast road, turned left into Prospecton Road which becomes Andrew Zondo Road and where our last big climb (or rather kick) for the day was, did a loop through that area and then back down Andrew Zondo, right into South Coast Road and entered the M4 Northbound. Leon was motivating us all the way and was giving us heads up on what was ahead on the route and happening behind us. I was pulling on most of the hills and then Gwyn and I rotated on the other sections. On the M4 Leon told us that we had this race in the bag and that Werner and the team was controlling the bunch behind us.
With 15km to go both Gwyn and I were taking strain. The route led us left into Margaret Mncadi Ave and then left into Samora Machel Street (Aliwal) which becomes Masabalala Yengwa Ave. Gwyn assured me the race was mine calling me a Lion. Well, I was about to roar of pain! I never in my life would have thought I would be so glad to see Moses Madiba Stadium. We cruised over the finish line with me in first and Gwyn in second. How was that for a 100 km break!
In the bunch, attack after attack followed on the M4. Werner, Iven, Michael Adey (Mr Price club rider) and Andrew Reeves (Bring it on) got a lead on the bunch and contested the bunch sprint. Andrew finished in 3rd, with Michael in 4th and Iven in 5th which made up the podium for the day.
Thanks for the win Gwyn!
What a great route and race it was! I am looking forward to this one next year.
Emile Fouche

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