The Mr Price vets team lined up at the 30-39 start group, eager to make an impression after riding in the previous week’s Panorama Tour. The main competition on the day was going to be the in form Fego Coffee team. It was rather unfortunate that the Black Rock team and the complete Bulk Pack Meat team was not present.
The race started briskly with several attacks going immediately after the gun. One of these attacks stuck and a group of 7 riders got away. Emile Fouche and Gwyn Pine represented Mr Price in this group along with Fego coffee’s Matt Goetsch. This meant that the rest of the Mr Price team sat in and simply covered any riders trying to bridge to the break group.
Gwyn drove the break hard up the M7 resulting in Martin Atterbury popping out of the back of the break group to join us in the chase group.
On the M7 Werner Moolman intelligently revved the pace of the chase group sky high so as to shake out all the hangers on. At the top of the M7 the chase group had been reduced to about 15 riders and it was here that Fego Coffee had another rider join the break group.
With Gwyn driving the break group the gap ultimately got up to around 1:20 on the chase group before Werner called us to increase our pace to bring the gap down a little. The idea was to get the gap to around 1 minute and hold it there in case any one of our team mates in the break got into trouble.
With the pace drifting up and being pushed by those individual riders who had missed the break, the break away group was caught about 3 km before the La Mercy turn around. Thereafter the attacks started coming again with each one being covered and no one letting anything go. As we approached Durban it was obvious that it would be a bunch gallop to the post and we would need to rely on Mark Davel to blitz over the line for a win.
The last 2 corners were quite messy and Mark needed to be well placed going into them. He was not lucky enough to be perfectly positioned and approaching the line he opened up, leading the pack to the line. Unfortunately he went a few meters too early and just as he started fading, Deno Van Heerden edged passed him on the line.
The race started briskly with several attacks going immediately after the gun. One of these attacks stuck and a group of 7 riders got away. Emile Fouche and Gwyn Pine represented Mr Price in this group along with Fego coffee’s Matt Goetsch. This meant that the rest of the Mr Price team sat in and simply covered any riders trying to bridge to the break group.
Gwyn drove the break hard up the M7 resulting in Martin Atterbury popping out of the back of the break group to join us in the chase group.
On the M7 Werner Moolman intelligently revved the pace of the chase group sky high so as to shake out all the hangers on. At the top of the M7 the chase group had been reduced to about 15 riders and it was here that Fego Coffee had another rider join the break group.
With Gwyn driving the break group the gap ultimately got up to around 1:20 on the chase group before Werner called us to increase our pace to bring the gap down a little. The idea was to get the gap to around 1 minute and hold it there in case any one of our team mates in the break got into trouble.
With the pace drifting up and being pushed by those individual riders who had missed the break, the break away group was caught about 3 km before the La Mercy turn around. Thereafter the attacks started coming again with each one being covered and no one letting anything go. As we approached Durban it was obvious that it would be a bunch gallop to the post and we would need to rely on Mark Davel to blitz over the line for a win.
The last 2 corners were quite messy and Mark needed to be well placed going into them. He was not lucky enough to be perfectly positioned and approaching the line he opened up, leading the pack to the line. Unfortunately he went a few meters too early and just as he started fading, Deno Van Heerden edged passed him on the line.